GitHub Copilot: Revolutionize your coding practices with AI

10 minutes read
by Pratyoosh Patel on 07 May, 2024

Explore GitHub Copilot—your AI coding companion that integrates seamlessly with popular IDEs. It offers real-time, adaptive coding assistance across various programming languages and frameworks. Far from replacing programmers, Copilot is here to enhance learning and boost productivity as we step into the future of coding. Ready to accelerate your coding journey? Let's dive in!

Just a few years ago, what seemed like science fiction is inching close to reality. AI assistants, once thought to belong to a world of make-believe, have today become an integral part of our technological landscape.   In 1967, MIT computer scientist Joseph Weizenbaum’s natural language processing program ELIZA captured the imagination of everyone who interacted with it. This pioneering software was not just a tech demo, it opened doors to a revolution of sorts that was going to change the business landscape forever.

Given the above context, it is indeed an exhilarating time for technologists, as we stand on the brink of a new era in AI-driven innovation.

An interesting trajectory

The last few years have displayed an interesting trajectory of growth as far as the AI assistants are concerned.  These assistants have become integral to daily digital interactions, enhancing productivity, and offering convenience by automating routine tasks and providing instant access to information. They've once again become popular as genuinely valuable tools for specific use cases.


GitHub Copilot stands out as a prime example of this evolution, specifically tailored to revolutionize programming. At InfoVision, we’re harnessing the power of Generative AI like GitHub Copilot, not only to enhance our customer solutions but also to empower our developers with the skills needed for tomorrow’s software development challenges.

What is GitHub Copilot?

In simple terms, GitHub Copilot is a sophisticated AI pair programmer powered by a machine learning model called Codex. Codex has been trained on a massive dataset of publicly available code and natural language text. This training enables Copilot to analyze your current code, the context of the file and project, and your comments to generate tailored code suggestions. It is a coding companion that has studied the best practices and patterns from millions of lines of code and can offer contextually relevant help as you work.

While definitive real-world data is lacking on how effective having a coding assistant is for developers, initial reports are promising. In a controlled experiment using GitHub Copilot, researchers found that the treatment group with access to the pair programmer completed the specified task 55.8% faster than the control group.

That is a great first step, as programmers are creatures of habit with very specific tool preferences and routines. The ideal pair programmer needs to integrate with these and work where you work.

So, what IDEs does Copilot work with?

One of the most appealing aspects of GitHub Copilot is its seamless integration with popular development environments. It's currently available as an extension for popular IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) like:

  • Visual Studio Code
  • Visual Studio
  • JetBrains suite of IDEs
  • Neovim

This means developers can enjoy the benefits of Copilot's AI-powered assistance directly within their preferred coding environment. There are no clunky workarounds or switching between tools—just a knowledgeable helper who is happy to chip in when needed.

For example, imagine you're working on a Python project and are trying to implement a sorting function. Instead of tediously writing the entire function from scratch or searching online for the right implementation, you could start by typing a comment like:

# Sort the list of numbers in ascending order

Understanding the intent and context, Copilot can suggest a complete implementation of a suitable sorting algorithm (like merge sort or quick sort). This not only saves time but can also expose programmers to different approaches they might not have considered otherwise.

Besides this, Copilot’s extensive pattern recognition also helps it step in and help with refactoring code, such as suggesting intelligent functions that can replace complex code blocks. Its training on popular testing frameworks like Jest or Pytest can also help Copilot assist developers in setting up basic test structures and writing meaningful assertions.

How can developers rely on this copilot?

GitHub Copilot's ability to analyze context, offer relevant suggestions, and adapt to various languages makes it a powerful tool in the hands of developers. Here are a few of its features that can be put to best use extensively:

  • Code suggestions: Perhaps the most immediately noticeable feature, Copilot goes beyond simple keyword-based autocompletion. It aims to provide suggestions for whole lines or even entire blocks of code. This ability to generate meaningful chunks of code directly within your editor can significantly increase coding speed and efficiency.
  • Context awareness: GitHub Copilot doesn't just work off the keywords you type. It actively analyzes the surrounding code, file, and project structure to tailor its suggestions. It understands naming conventions, uses comments and docstrings to gain context of code, and even tailors recommendations based on the type of file you’re working on.
  • Language and framework support: Copilot needs to be comfortable with multiple programming languages and frameworks developers use daily to be a truly useful tool. Fortunately, it is versatile in this regard.
  • Support for popular languages: Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, Go, Java, and C# are all well-supported.
  • Support for popular frameworks: Copilot is familiar with common frameworks like React, Angular, Django, and Ruby on Rails, allowing it to make framework-specific suggestions.

The productivity benefits of GitHub Copilot

At this point, you might be tempted to ask — haven't skilled developers done all this for decades?

Yes, but the idea behind embracing Copilot is not about replacement but strategic empowerment. GitHub Copilot excels at the often mundane and repetitive elements of coding — boilerplate structures, basic functions, and well-established design patterns. By intelligently automating these tasks, copilot frees up precious mental bandwidth for the work that truly defines success in our field:

  • Strategic problem-solving: When the "nuts and bolts" are handled, developers can dive deeper into their projects' architectural complexities and innovative potential.
  • Enhanced creativity: With less time spent on routine logic, creative experimentation with unique approaches, algorithms, and features can flourish.
  • Fewer errors: Working on complex codebases increases the possibility of human error and oversight that exceed the ability of automated flagging tools. Copilot has the potential to understand high-level intent, flag logical inconsistencies, and debug errors effectively.

Github’s own data, based on the SPACE developer productivity framework, showcases Copilot’s impact:




Real-world applications and success stories

Moving beyond theory, let’s understand where GitHub Copilot has made a tangible difference in the lives of developers and organizations. Copilot helps large teams collaborate better by creating a baseline for coding standards and making it easy to build learning repositories with complete documentation for new hires to catch up on. It is also extremely useful for rapid prototyping and quick suggestions, as documented by the team at BDRSuite, who used it to speed up the development of PowerShell scripts to manage Microsoft Azure services. 

Use cases: Where Copilot shines

  • Repetitive tasks: For tasks like setting up basic data structures, implementing standard algorithms (sorting, searching), or generating boilerplate test cases, Copilot can save significant time and effort.
  • Exploring unfamiliar territory: When venturing into a new language, framework, or API, Copilot serves as a knowledgeable guide. It can help with syntax, suggest common usage patterns, and minimize the initial learning curve.
  • Debugging: While not its primary function, Copilot can occasionally help identify subtle errors or unintended behavior by suggesting changes to troublesome sections of code.

Point to remember: The success stories and use cases demonstrate that Copilot's value proposition is strongest when developers maintain a proactive and critical approach to its suggestions. When used strategically, it augments developer skills rather than replacing them.

The limitations of AI assistants

While GitHub Copilot introduces exciting possibilities, being mindful of certain challenges has helped developers at InfoVision maintain a balanced approach.

  • Accuracy: Not always perfect: Copilot is a powerful tool, but it's important to remember that it's a machine-learning model and not a magic wand. There will be times when its suggestions miss the mark, are contextually inappropriate, or contain subtle errors. This is why critical evaluation of Copilot's output remains a developer's responsibility. Blindly accepting all suggestions is ill-advised.
  • Dependency: Finding the right balance: Over-reliance on any tool can have unintended consequences. If developers come to rely too heavily on Copilot for basic syntax, common functions, or even problem-solving, it might hinder the strengthening of their foundational coding skills. Awareness of how to use the tool optimally is crucial in this context.
  • Responsibility: Know what you utilize: Always be mindful of code ownership and licensing, especially when dealing with open-source projects that form part of Copilot's training data. Developers ultimately bear the onus of fulfilling license requirements and providing accurate attribution.

These are the common pitfalls of using any assistant that relies heavily on training data and lacks the ability to update itself to new coding paradigms and best practices. At InfoVision, we leverage our years of industry experience to guide our developers on the safe and ethical use of technologies like GitHub Copilot. Rather than isolate them from game-changing technologies, InfoVision believes in allowing talented developers to utilize technologies within safe environments with clear guidelines to maintain a future-ready workforce.

Generative AI coding partners: What to expect in the coming years

We're just scratching the surface of what's possible with the integration of AI in coding environments. At the pace at which Generative AI is evolving, I can predict that the following developments are just around the corner:

  • Contextual understanding: Future AI coding assistants are expected to develop deeper contextual and semantic understanding. This will enable them to offer more accurate and useful code suggestions that consider not just the syntax but the intent behind the code, potentially reducing bugs and improving software quality. Quality considerations like time complexity and space complexity will be evaluated on the fly, and the options provided will be the most optimal.
  • Integration with DevOps and cloud services: AI coding tools might integrate more deeply with DevOps practices and cloud services, automating more aspects of software deployment and infrastructure management. This could streamline the workflow from code generation to deployment, enhancing efficiency and reducing the time to market.
  • Improved security features: Security is a paramount concern in software development. Future AI tools will likely incorporate advanced security features to analyze code for vulnerabilities in real-time, suggest security best practices, and automatically refactor code to adhere to security guidelines, helping prevent security breaches.
  • Real-time collaboration and pair programming: AI-powered tools could evolve to facilitate real-time collaboration among distributed teams, acting not just as coding assistants but as facilitators for human-to-human interaction. These tools might mimic pair programming scenarios, where AI serves as one pair, offering suggestions, reviewing code, and even explaining its own recommendations to enhance team productivity and learning.

The future of development: Humans and AI, side by side

GitHub Copilot represents a significant leap forward in developer productivity and innovation. While its suggestions might not always be perfect, and responsible use is crucial, the potential benefits are undeniable. At InfoVision, we're actively encouraging our developers to experiment with Copilot within clear guidelines. This aligns with our commitment to fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation to cutting-edge tools.

The rise of AI assistants like Copilot shouldn't be viewed with apprehension; instead, it's an opportunity for developers to upskill and master the integration of AI into their workflows. This blend of human ingenuity and AI power will undoubtedly lead to the creation of groundbreaking software solutions.

The bottom line for employers: fostering an environment that encourages responsible AI adoption is no longer optional. Forward-thinking organizations will actively develop procedures and training programs that equip their development teams to leverage the power of AI tools like Copilot, while simultaneously ensuring ethical considerations and developer growth remain at the forefront.

By embracing this future of human-AI collaboration, we unlock the true potential of software development and drive innovation at an unprecedented pace.

Have you tried GitHub Copilot yet? If you’d like to learn more about what it can do or discuss the best strategies for how it can be rolled out to developers at your organization, please write to me at